

The environment is the all-encompassing natural economy in which we live as opposed to the smaller commercial economy in which we work. We really just started appreciating it and have yet to include it in our measurements of progress. Western societies now know the environment is important but perhaps we are afraid to admit just how vital it is and the damage we are doing to it.

What This Means for Canada

From the huge and unpredictable impacts of climate change to the scientifically well-defined decline of our forests, fisheries, soil, water and endangered species, the Canadian environment is under extreme stress. Canada has been pursuing a short-sighted policy of over-exploitation and endless growth for which we are all beginning to pay. The price of our negligence will increase dramatically for future generations.

What Can You Do?

Even before we move towards a general policy of conservation, we must realize that the environment is not a bottomless mine but a delicately balanced mechanism. Resources can’t be pulled out of it without negative consequences and it’s elements can’t be broken apart and separated like chunks of rock. We must discuss the vital organs of the environment which can form the basis of a sustainable society and recognize the sum is even greater than the parts. We must modify our own actions and the policies of our local and federal governments to look past short term gain for certain interest groups and develop the technology and culture of sustainability.
Everything You Need to Know About the Environmental and Social Impact of the Alberta Oil Sands - and What You Can Do About It

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