Expert Articles & Updates

Canada's cities are growing very rapidly, driven largely by mass immigration. * The impacts of this growth are: Congestion Loss...
The energy forecast was fair in the 1950s, 60s and 70s when energy costs were low and declining. Now the...
For more than a decade, the Productivity Commission (PC) has debunked the common myth that immigration can overcome population ageing....
This article is a response to the calls from a fringe of ultra right corporate leaders and media corporations for...
Techno-industrial society is in dangerous ecological overshoot—the human ecological footprint is at least 60% larger than the planet can support...
Human numbers continue to grow often promoted in some countries by retrograde governments which misapply commercial economics to social policy....
Oil Supply Our last newsletter showed the enviable energy circumstances in which Canada finds itself. However, for the world as...
Energy is the most critical building block of modern societies because of the work it allows us to do. No...
Next to the oxygen in the atmosphere, climate is the most important factor in human life because climate determines food...

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