Expert Articles & Updates

Next to the oxygen in the atmosphere, climate is the most important factor in human life because climate determines food...
Measuring Energy Energy is the most critical building block of modern societies because of the work it allows us to...
Generational transfer is the passing down of assets, rights and privileges from one generation to another. Everything can be thought...
David MacKay was one of the UKs top physicists and took a lead role in the introduction of green energy...
Aging is a natural trend towards an increase in the proportion of older people in our population and will continue...
"What kind of country thinks it's ok not only that children don't have access to clean drinking water, but children...
Plenty Canada: Supporting Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Goals From recent global footage as Rio 2016, we can see the...
The corporate business model for International trade, as it is now, is not sustainable nor respectful of human dignity and...
Did you know? Less than ½ of 1% of Canada’s land is Class 1 farmland and more than half of...

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