Expert Articles & Updates

In an opinion piece post in the February 7, 2024 issue of the Westerly News, Bruce W. Uzelman nailed the...
It is rare that a scientist or someone as technically accomplished as Art Berman writes a succinct article on something...
Canadian banks, Bank of Montreal, ScotiaBank and TD Bank, are funding the mass-immigration advocacy group, Century Initiative (** link below)...
Calls in the media and from politicians for “growth” have been non-stop for decades even as our social and environmental...
Canada’s policy of mass-immigration, by adding 12 million people to our population over the past 40 years, has had a...
Ageing is a natural trend towards an increase in the proportion of older people in our population and will continue...
“Canada faces a grim future of unaffordable housing, substandard health care [...] That is a recipe for economic decline, if...
The choice of whether to continue the total commitment to the pursuit of growth or to change and embark on...
An honest constructive dialog around immigration is today as important as it is difficult....

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